Friday, December 19, 2008

My New Hairstyle

It has been long since my last blog but life was kind of hectic. It wasn’t as if I was overburdened with work or anything; just the commute and routine activities were tying me down.
So, the highlight of the last few days-- I went in for a new look. My instruction to the hairstylist was, “Give me a short hair cut that would make me look smart.” Now, if someone were to make such an open ended statement, no wonder it could be interpreted as anything. And, my stylist had a hay day interpreting my instructions as a desire to go for the punk or something as adventurous. Half way through his work, I was aghast and screaming the roof down with horror.
Few friends who accompanied me were vacillating between consoling me and bursting out with uncontrollable laughter. I looked like a cross between a scarecrow and a half drenched chicken. Seeing the horror writ all over my face, the lady of the parlor came to rescue. The repair work done was the best that possibly could be, but by then the damage had already been done.
The end result. Now I wear my hair very very short, something like the soldiers of the land carry. Though I try to console myself, saying it the Halle Berry look or the in-trend hairstyle, I know for the good or the worse I need to see it through for the next few months.
Few comments that I received as a result of my adventure:
The husband: spare driver, lets go for a boys night out, all the guys (moi included) could take a trip to goa; Mr. Jayanat…..and he could go on and on
Office colleagues: not that bad, could be better, last hair style was much much better, Mr. Jayatri…..and this list is also endless
Friends: Not that bad; don’t worry, this is winter, your hair will grow very fast;
In all this turmoil, there have only been a few people who helped me keep my confidence. Monalisa and Tarique really said nice words and if not for them, I would have felt really low.
What the hell, what’s in a look anyways…as I said before…”I never knew her loveliness, until she smiled on me.’

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