Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh! Calcutta

We went out for dinner to Oh Calcutta. The husband, following his low fat, low salt diet didn't have much of a choice. He had to satisfy himself with yummy fishes and green salad. The brother in law and me feasted on 'luchi' and 'kosha mangsho'...all those who love bong food, would immediately sense the pleasure that we had. The only sore point-- the husband didnot realize that they had already charged us Rs. 400 as service charges. Since he was in a generous mood, he tipped the boys an additional Rs. 350. We ended up spending Rs. 750 just on service charges and another 400 on VAT and other taxes...oops! that was indeed a lot of money.... Otherwise, it was a very enjoyable evening. Oh Calcutta at Tardeo is delicious and much better than the one in Andheri...drop in if you have a taste for the flavours of Bengal


PRAVIN said...

Good jayatri Das Gupta
Thanks To your parents & your hard Work that you Financially independent and People can spend Rs 1000 On Tips Servce Charges On Food.
But please read this ----

Did you know that there was a “silent tsunami” affecting millions of families around the world? Did you know that millions of people are hungry right now with no prospects for a solution or knowledge of where their next meal is coming from? My poor daughter made the mistake yesterday of asking me how long it would be until dinner because she was starving to death. I quickly set her straight…

In many countries in the developing world the cost of food staples has roughly doubled while the average daily wage has not increased significantly. Think about that for a moment…what if your weekly trip to the grocery store doubled in price? Would you be able to feed your family? What if a loaf of bread cost you roughly a day’s wages?

Fortunately for us we live in a country that has resources available so that many people will never face the issue of true hunger. Kids get free meals in school, food pantries serve families, shelters feed the homeless. There is no question that there are those in our country who don’t have enough….but very few people in the USA are actually starving because of a lack of resources.

Around the world there ARE millions of people who simply don’t have access to adequate food to feed their families. There are roughly 25,000 starvation related deaths world wide every day. Deaths that are preventable! This global food crisis is more rapid, urgent and devastating than any other in the history of our planet.

In the 21st century, with all the resources at our disposal there is no reason for people to die for lack of food! Compassion International has created the Global Food Initiative to combat this injustice.
No Personal Comments to you or any any one of us, but its Time to react & defenitely expect action from people like you.
Imagine a mother in somalia after 5 days of hunger killed her own 1 year child and eat the flesh Raw- Miss jayatri das Gupta

Jayatri said...

Justified comments..always endeavor to do my bit whenever possible..