Friday, January 9, 2009

On a serious note

A couple of days back I heard something interesting and very thought provoking. Here is a version of how I recall it.

Old methods/behavior+ old techniques= predictable results

Old methods/behavior+ new techniques= unpredictable

An example,

War is an old behavior, an old method to settle scores or win territories (whatever that may be). In the old ways, when people fought with bows and arrows or local warfare, it had predictable results (though war has never been totally predictable, yet you could still gauge the winner or the extent of carnage from the strength of stake holders involved)

War, the old behavior still continues, but with alarmingly new techniques. Is there anything predictable in the high tech, atomic warfare of today?

Serious thoughts but expand it to any facet of life, and it might hold true.

Is it time for us to change those old habits which have become obsolete in today's world and might be detrimental to our existence?

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