Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Never Ending Dillema

I always dreamt to be a highly qualified individual, as I am sure each of you also fantasized to be. At school, I was in the track to meet my dreams- --parents delighted at how I managed to top my classes and do well in my board exams and also excelled in extra-curricular activities that proved to be a winner. However, the real twist came when I stepped out of the close comforts of family to pursue my higher studies and thus ‘move towards a promising future.’ I took to friends and parties, shopping and fun, as a fish takes to water. This ensured that dreams started falling apart in no time, and success eluded me in every step. Smarting from my recent failures, the adulation in a not so cool 'MBA' college did a lot to my bruised ego, but unfortunately, nothing much in terms of career.

Subsequently, there was this constant fight to leave a crippled career and go back to a decent (I mean the INSEAD, ISBs of the world) school. This meant leaving the comfort zone of financial independence and back to a rigorous life of studies and projects. While I was more than willing to slog it out (a bad job is the worst pain in the a**), the feeling of losing the wallet always restrained me from pursuing my new ‘dream’.

Now, it might be too late to do what I want. When my juniors inform me about this cool ‘school’ that they got admitted too, I sincerely feel delighted for them. However, in the same breath, sets in a deep realization that I have lost out on opportunities of life and the golden dreams have seen the sunset forever.

The elite club is not going to my domain ever. Though I might be successful in career and life, the blue blooded, royal feeling of being in an elite club, the alma mater to be proud of, will always be a far away reality.

Friends, here’s the hard lesson for anyone who cares…if you have the brains and aptitude and have the dream to make it big, don’t waste your youth for it will never ever come back to you. Take the hard path, or otherwise you might regret later in life.


A Girls World.. said...

I agree with U... Youth and time is something that we wont ever get back.. but we mustn't forget what we have now and look at our failures as a learning that have made us the humans we are :-)

S said...

You're never ever too old! And you can go and do it if you really want it... I for one totally believe in you..

And even if you don't you're special to us and we know you're an achiever just the way you are!